News and Events


Assist America

*Elena was sent by her company on a business trip to Palawan. Shortly after reaching her destination, she experienced severe headache and was brought to the nearby hospital in Palawan. It turned out that her blood pressure was so high. Further tests revealed bleeding in her brain which triggered monitoring in the Intensive Care Unit. Luckily, the subarachnoid bleed did not progress. However, it was causing obstruction in her brain.

Her colleague in Palawan recalled that they have an emergency assistance service thru their membership with Value Care. This colleague immediately notified one of their trusted Accounts Management contact from Value Care. Value Care then quickly informed Assist America to initiate the emergency assistance service.

Assist America immediately initiated Medical Monitoring by communicating with the patient's treating medical officers. Medical Monitoring was also performed to establish if there is a need for Medical Evacuation. During the course of medical monitoring, Assist America was informed that digital subtraction angiography was needed to further determine which intervention is appropriate for the patient. This however, was not available in the current facility, but is available in higher level hospitals in Manila.

Assist America determined the medical need to evacuate the member for further evaluation and treatment.

Prior to the evacuation, Assist America contacted Value Care's call center to ensure that the member's hospital bills were all paid for the patient's smooth release. Value Care also ensured that the receiving facility in Manila was ready to receive the patient. Value Care's call center quickly acted and hospital coordination from both ends went smoothly.

Timing was crucial. The airport in Palawan had an ongoing runway construction at that time and closes its operation by 9pm. Understanding the member's need for quick but safe evacuation, Assist America used its expertise in getting approval and clearance from the airport's Commanding Officer of Tower Control to keep the runway open until the medical evacuation team arrives at the tarmac and pick up the patient from the hospital.

Despite the challenge, Assist America was able to help Elena and was safely transported to St. Luke's where she was admitted for further care.

*Names changed for privacy


Family Incident Management System (FIMS)

The inevitable West Valley earthquake or the "Big One" was a highlight, and Sir Hutch enlightened the participants on how to prepare themselves and their families before such a great disaster happens.


Access to HealthCare You Can Count On just got better!

Innovation has always been at the forefront of ValuCare initiatives. The first HMO to introduce an Android application for members for their interactive needs to access benefits and services via Google Play (keyword: valuecare).


Technology Level UP!

Digital Technology has really evolved over the years, especially cellphones and computers. Access to various information is readily available in a matter of seconds. ValuCare is embracing this digital era for our valued cardholders and to improve business operations.

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ValuCare Website UPGRADE!

The best way to predict the future is to invent it –ValuCare's revamped website ensures trouble-free navigation coupled with new dynamic features. Utilizing the latest approach in website designing. ValuCare assure effective online services.



Bacterial infection transmitted by many animals, such as rodents and other vermin. Waste products (e.g. contaminate the soil, water, and vegetation


PAG-IBIG FUND Contract Signing and Program Orientation

CHOME DEVELOPMENT MUTUAL FUND (HDMF) awarded to VALUE CARE HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC. (ValuCare) the healthcare program of their employees and dependents.



The BANCO DE ORO EMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION (BDOEA) signed up with VALUE CARE HEALTH SYSTEMS, INC. for the healthcare benefits of their officers, members and dependents



*Elena was sent by her company on a business trip to Palawan. Shortly after reaching her destination, she experienced severe headache and was brought to the nearby hospital in Palawan



“This year will be different, because in 2016 – we’ll be better” – this is what our COO, Armando S. Macalino emphasized during the strategic plan activity held last November.

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Your VC Card, Your Passport to Fitness

Efficient, holistic, dynamic fitness to prepare you for something important -LIFE.

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Executive Optical as New Partner

Present your ValuCare Card at any EO-Executive Optical branch and get

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Another Year Of HealthCare You Can Count On

ValuCare continues to expand its network of hospitals, clinics, specialists to ensure that healthcare services are accessible to the growing customer-base of ValuCare members nationwide.

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